Years Ago
Friends of Durruti Group was formed in early 1937. Its members and supporters were
prominent comrades from the Gelsa battle-front. Remaining true to their anarchist beliefs,
they refused to submit to the militarisation and, as a result, moved to the capital of
Catalonia (Barcelona) where, along with other Barcelona comrades, they set up the group.
They took as their symbol the figure of Buenaventura Durruti, an idealist who had devoted
his whole life to his anarchist beliefs. He was a man of action as his heroic death on the
Madrid front testifies ... that heroic and timeless Madrid which lives on in the
spontaneous catch phrase which the Republic’s govemment’s fight from their city drew
from the capital’s inhabitants ... Viva Madrid sin gobierno! (Long live Madrid without
govemment !). This indomitable spirit of the people of Madrid lasted throughout the
entire siege of the capital, and it was this spirit that the Group adopted as its own.
Thus it was that the fighting men from Gelsa (with the Durruti Column on the Aragon front)
became the heralds of the message "Stand fast and fight to the last" These
were virtues which no one can deny that Durruti, the anarchist from Leon, did have. At his
funeral Barcelona paid him the tribute of one of the largest popular demonstrations ever,
as the Catalan proletariat took to the streets as a body to pay homage to the man who had
given his lífe for the cause of the disinherited the world over.
given a rough outline of the nature of our Group l shall now proceed to a short
introduction to our pamphlet: Hacia una nueva revolucion (Towards a fresh revolution).
First of all, when was it written? Around mid-1938. But it must be emphasised that for us
to write a bookiet of this sort, with the title we gave it, at that tragic hour for the
Spanish proletariat, was a highly suggestive action, amounting to a cry of hope for the
fighters of Spain. Notwithstanding their heroism and tenacity, they found themselves
surrounded by the most fearful defeat on account of their failure to crush the
counter-revolution led by the Stalinists, who were backed by the camouflaged reformists
inside the National Confederation of Labour (CNT) and lberian Anarchist Federation (FAI)
and all who were established in the upper echelons of the State. The time was 1938 (40
years ago), at a point when the war was a lost cause, and when war fronts were collapsing
one after another as a result of the treachery of Stalinists in key positions in the
decision-making process, obeying Stalin's orders to undermine the Spanish proletariat in
arms. Such was the tragic hour when we of the Friends of Durruti Group at the group’s
last session, after prolonged examination of the disaster which the counter revolution had
plunged us, and regardless of the scale of disaster, refused to accept the finality of
such defeat. The infamous policy pursued by Largo Caballero, whose govemment contained
several anarchist militants, had eroded the revolutionary morale of the rearguard; and the
Negrin govemment, the govermment of defeat or capitulation, gave the defeat hecatomb
proportions. For this reason we decided to publish Hacia una nueva revolucion which was,
as we said, a message of hope and a determination to renew the fight against an
intemational capitalism which had mobilised its gendarmes of the 30s (in other words, its
blackshirts and brownshirts), to put down the Spanish working class at whose head marched
the anarchists and the revolutionary rank and file of the National Confederation of
the prelude to July we can discem the Spain the Spanish proletariat tried to destroy, the
theocratic Black Spain ruled by large landowners who had surrendered the econormy of the
country to foreign powers. This age-old battle was constantly contestad from the 15th
century up to 1936, setting liberty against tyranny, progress against obscurantism, ever
present in this age-old contest were anarchism and the National Confederation of Labour,
whose militants were the targets of savage repression under the monarchy of Alfonso XIII,
the grandfather of Juan Carlos, the present monarch imposed upon the Spanish people by
intemational capitalism. This imposition can be accounted for by the terror that the
revolutionary Spain inspires in all the inter connected capitalist forces, on account of
its sublime gesture of three years of rebellion in the 30s. Hence the fear felt by the
Washington-Moscow axis and the Bonn-Paris-London triangle.
years later, the importance of What we wrote in those hours, fraught with passion and
grief, is revealed. If, in the 30s, the Spanish proletarial: threw itself into the
prodigious fray, though outgunned and with its battlefronts and its rearguard undermined
by the hybrid, murderous policy of the communists today the Spanish proletariat once again
launches itself into the great adventure of revolution. There are hopeful signs in the
form of a magnificent younger generation forged in the jails, who have equipped themselves
through reference to books, parficularty those written by revolutionaries who stood firm
against the tidal wave of counter-revolution ... and in matters of theory, they may be
better equipped than the men of July 1936 who were awe-struck by the grandeur of a social
revolution that dawned so gloriously over Iberian soil, and which, had it but been given
proper expression, would have become the first stage of European and thence, world wide
that booklet back in 1938 we said that all revolutions are totalitarian. They must be
interpreted and must express themselves in the sense that all revolutions are integral.
That is to say, they cannot be made by halves nor tackled side-on without the great
edifice of revolution coming face-to-face with destruction. It is terrible when one thinks
of the way in which revolutions come to grief. The Spanish revolution was doomed to perish
from the instant the revolutionary spirit and the war were divorced. Take, for example,
the decree on the militarisation of the militias. With regard to the state structure there
was no way the Spanish revolution could survive. The defence committees, control patrols
and the collectives were dissolved. This was the build-up to the sudden assault by the
Catalan proletariat in May 1937, when the workers tried to win back the gains they had
made in JulY.
May events are described in our pamphlet. The lesson of May is unmistakable. Revolutions
can not restrict themselves to the confines of their native land. A new Spanish revolution
must, if it is to succeed, assume European proportions. Today's Europe is sitting on the
edge of a volcano. Faithful to our message of 1938, we shall go on fighting for a new and
European revolution just as the Spanish revolution of 1936 and the Portuguese revolution
of 1974 must be labelled European. Both suffered from the same short-coming-they left the
State intact and in both case pseudo-revolutionaries repaired the state structures when
they were coming apart on all sides.
workers must help out the Spanish proletariat with the fight against intemational
capitalism which has already been launched on our soil. Europe’s solidarity is
indispensable if the monarchy imposed upon the Spanish people by intenational capitalism
is to be overthrown. Once again proletarian Spain will serve as the catalyst for
proletarian Europe if we establish a close alliance with the Spanish revolutionary workers
transcendent impact of the Spanish revolution of 1936, which would have begun a cycle of
European revolutions of necessity, terrified the capitalist magnates who saw in it the
overture to extension throughout the continent-and thus massacred the Spanish people!
have indicated the causes of the defeat, but we want to stress the need to prepare en
authentic proletarian internationalism which must show itself in the creation of a
powerful and European libertarian movement. Let our one hope and hesitation be that the
libertarian spirit of the young Europeans of this Europe, which is only a step away from
fascism, does not come to naught. The new Spanish revolution is taldng shape: all that
remains to be done is to organise the mobilisation of all European revolutionaries around
Spain, which has not, even for en instant, and in spite of the terrible bloodbath which
international capitalism inflicted on it during the 30s and the years of terror in the 40s
and under the present monarchy, failed to declare itseif.
monarchy is the creature of the lackeys of the Bonn-Paris axis and of the hirelings of the
US gendarme, not forgetting the tacit acquiescence of the USSR.
Balius, 1978. [The friends of Durruti]