demise of the July revolution has been rapid. None of the revolutions generally regarded
as the archetypes of social revolution experienced such a giddy decline.
can be no theorising about events following one another in stages, because revolution is
not yet a fact. it is imperative that the inexhaustive genius of proletarian Spain be
tapped once again. We must go out and make a new beginning.
occur with great frequency in our country. Sometimes they are embarked upon with out the
requisite conditions being present and with no possibility of success. One has to be able
to divine the precise moment, psychologically and insurrectionally speaking. The outcome
hangs on the correct choice.
forecasts is no easy task. Who can say when a new July or even a new May maybe possible?
We may assume, however, that in Spain the conditions will present themselves afresh.
the war continues to take this unfavourable tum all the politicians looking for a way to
arrive at en armistice and a fraternal embrace will have to be cast on to the dung-heap.
Good evidence of this is the sabotaging of the war, the war industries and the whole gamut
of supplies, as well as the inflated prices of food - en inflation fomented by those in
power with an eye to creating a favourable atmosphere in which to execute their plans for
strangling the revolution.
may, perhaps, be that a negotiated settlement becomes a reality. Then the time will have
come to resist it by force of arms. And should we win the war those problems that are
posed in such poignant form today will be roused again on the retum of our comrades from
the fronts. What solutions will be found to them?
will the industry of war be converted into en industry of peace? Will there be work for
the fighting men? Will all the victims be looked after?. Will the officer class resign
itself to the loss of its sinacures? Can markets be won back again?
three dates we have described each correspond to different positions. We cannot say which
will apply. The problem, however, hinges on the preparation of a new rebellion so that the
proletariat can assume control of the country in a definite way.
cannot say we are over-reacting. The present moment has nothing revolutionary about it.
The counter-revolution feels quite bold enough to mount all sorts of provocations. The
jails are crammed with workers. The rights of the proletariat are openly denied. We
revolutionary workers are treated like underlings. The language of the bureaucrats, in
uniform and out of uniform, is intolerable. Not to mention the attacks on the unions.
fresh revolution is the only course of action open. Let us set about its preparation. And
at the height of a new stroke, we shall join the comrades who are today away fighting on
the fronts, the comrades in the jails and the comrades who, even now, cherish the hope of
a revolution that may bring justice to the working class; all in the streets together.
the success of a fresh revolution that will bring the workers of town and country complete
satisfaction. To the attainment of an anarchist society that will satisfy man’s
Forward comrades !!